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Backend Developer

Games Enthusiast

Web Designer

Hello! I am a Software Engineering student from Germany.
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About Me
My story

I have always been passionate about technology and wanted to understand how it works and how you can create something like that yourself. I completed my Bachelor's degree in 2023. My thesis topic was \"OpenEye - A Tool for Assessing Indicators of Developers' Cognitive Load in IntelliJ IDEA\", where I integrated eye tracking equipment into a development environment to allow correlation of code and proband attention data. In Fall of 2023 I started my Master's degree where I'm currently specializing in data integration/ visualization and software design. Besides university, I work a lot with Kotlin/Java (Ktor, Microservices), C++ or tinker with my Linux laptop. I am also active as a freelancer, maintaining a larger Typscript codebase.

  • Age: 21
  • Residence: Potsdam, Germany
  • Master: IT-Systems Engineering
  • Semester: 2nd
  • E-mail: [email protected]
Language Skills
Reading and writing
  • German

    I am german native speaker.

  • English

    Fluent in writing and speaking.

Coding Skills
Developing on
  • Kotlin

    Kotlin is by far my most-favourite programming language of all I came by so far. Actively using it for new projects and scripts. Experienced with server-side development using Ktor and KMongo.

  • Typescript

    Worked with NodeJS to build server-side applications including frameworks like Next.js and React.

  • Java

    The first every programming language I learned by modding my favourite games and creating platform independent applications.

  • Python

    Used Python here and there to simplify tasks with smaller scripts or extended existing open source applications. Maintaned a Django project.

  • C++

    In university we learned to write simple hardware related programs with it. In the 4th semester I took a competitive programming course and learned the language quirks of C++ to implement efficient algorithms.

  • PHP

    Gained moderate skills by building a couple of applications and utilizing the laravel framework.

Latest works
University Project
Stun Server Implementation
University Project
Smalltalk-80 game
University Project
Drawing Environment
QR Generator
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Malte Stellmacher
Software Engineer
  • Age 21
  • Residence Potsdam, Germany
  • Master IT-Systems Engineering
  • Semester 2nd
  • E-mail [email protected]
Malte Stellmacher